This is a beautiful high quality animated live wallpaper of Lord Ayyappan. It features Bhagwan Ayyappa with shower of animated flowers and leaves, just touch them on the screen to transform them into flying Diyas.
Lord Ayyappan or simply Ayyappa (also spelled as Ayappa) is a popular Hindu deity worshiped mainly in South India. Ayyaappa is believed to be born out of the union between Lord Shiva and the mythical enchantress Mohini, who is regarded as an avatar of Lord Vishnu. Therefore, Ayyappa is also known as 'Hariharan Puthiran' or 'Hariharputhra,' which literally means the son of both 'Hari' or Vishnu and 'Haran' or Shiva.
The most famous Ayyappa shrine in India is the one at Sabarimala with over 50 million devotees worshipping every year. He is worshipped with different names as Dharmasasta, Hariharasutan, Manikandan, Sathanar, Sastan, (from Sanskrit Sasta), Ayyanar and Bhutanathan.
Various names of Ayyappan:
Dharmasasta, Hariharasutan, Manikandan, Sathanar, Sastan, Cattan (from Sanskrit Sasta), Ayyanar, Natrayan, Nattarasan, and Bhutanathan.
The asura princess Mahishi was burning up with anger at the dirty trick the gods had pulled on her brother, the asura king Mahishasura. As Mahishasura was blessed with invulnerability to all men, the gods had sent goddess Durga, to fight and kill him. Thus, Mahishi began performing a fearsome set of austerities, and pleased the creator god Brahma. He granted her the boon of ruling the universe and being invulnerable except to a being that had the combined strength of both Shiva and Vishnu. Since such a person did not exist, she thought she was safe and began conquered and plundered the world.
The gods implored Shiva and Vishnu to save them from this catastrophe. Vishnu found a possible solution to the problem. When Vishnu had taken on the Kurma Avatar, he also had to manifest himself as Mohini, the enchantress, to save the nectar of immortality from the demons who were not willing to share it with the gods. If he became Mohini again, then the female Mohini and the male Shiva could have the divine child who would combine their powers and beat Mahishi.
1. High quality live wallpaper.
2. You can hide or unhide moving items, only background will be visible.
3. You can interact with moving items just touch to interact with them.
4. You can choose direction of moving items.
5. You can select speed of moving items.
6. You can enable or disable interaction with moving items.
7. You can also enable or disable hit counter in the background.
8. You can change the frame rate of moving items to make them move smoothly on the screen.
9. Very light optimized to save battery life.
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</div> <div class="id-app-translated-desc" style="display:none">这是主Ayyappan一个美丽的高品质的动画动态壁纸。它具有巴格Ayyappa与动画的花和叶淋浴,只需触摸在屏幕上把它们转化为飞行Diyas。
主Ayyappan或者干脆Ayyappa(也拼写为Ayappa)是一种流行的印度教神崇拜主要在南印度。 Ayyaappa被认为是诞生出湿婆神和神话中的女巫Mohini,谁被认为是毗湿奴神的化身之间的联盟。因此,Ayyappa也被称为“哈里哈兰Puthiran'或'Hariharputhra”,字面意思是既“哈日”或毗湿奴和“哈兰”或湿婆的儿子。
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